Posts tagged “anti-imperialism

1st AGITPROP Tour to kick-off this coming September

After its succesful launch last July, the 1st AGITPROP film festival will kick-off its tour this coming September at the University of the Philippines in Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines, south of Manila.

Meanwhile, other cause-oriented groups from the United States and Australia are currently making plans to bring the festival to their respective countries.



1st AGITPROP International Film Festival on Peoples’ Struggles | July 2011

This coming July 2011, the Philippines will be a venue for two international events  – the International Conference on Progressive Culture (ICPC) and the 4th International Assembly of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS).

The ILPS is an anti-imperialist and democratic organization which at present includes more than 350 member organizations from over 40 countries. The ICPC, on the other hand, is an initiative of ILPS member cultural organizations.

Both events seek to forge a stronger and broader solidarity among organizations and individuals (including artists) in the struggle to advance and defend the peoples’ genuine democratic rights and aspirations throughout the world.

In line with these historic occasions, the Southern Tagalog Exposure, along with other Philippine-based multimedia groups Mayday, Kodao and Tudla, are organizing an international film festival entitled “AGITPROP” which will take on the similar theme of promoting peoples’ democratic struggles all over the world.

Please join us in this endeavor by entering your film/s in the festival.

Check out our Festival info page to learn more about the festival, and our Festival Guidelines Page for details on how to join.

Thank you.